DAAD Scholarship by German Universities

The DAAD scholarship, administered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), is a prestigious scholarship program unlocking the dreams of studying at German universities and research institutions for international students. DAAD stands for Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, which translates to German Academic Exchange Service. It is a German organization that funds international academic cooperation and exchange for students, scholars, researchers, and faculty.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a variety of scholarships and grants to support international students and researchers at different stages of their academic careers:

  • Graduate and Doctoral Studies: DAAD primarily targets graduates (with a bachelor’s degree) and doctoral candidates pursuing master’s degrees or PhDs in Germany.
  • Research Opportunities: Doctoral students from most countries can apply for one-year research grants. Full PhD programs in Germany are funded for applicants from developing countries (based on the OECD-DAC list).
  • Internship Opportunities: While the main focus is on academic programs, some scholarships might include funding for internships alongside your studies.

Scholarship Types:

  • Master’s Scholarships: These are primarily available for students from industrialized nations.
  • Hilde Domin Programme: This program offers scholarships to students and doctoral candidates facing educational or other rights restrictions in their home countries. Nominations for this program come from institutions in Germany, not individual applicants.
  • Sur-place and Third Country Programs: These programs provide funding for graduate studies, doctoral programs, or postdoc research in your home country or region.

Applying for a DAAD Scholarship:

  • Scholarship Database: The DAAD scholarship database is your starting point. Here, you can explore specific programs by field of study, level of education, and your home country. Pay close attention to application deadlines.
  • Application Process: The database will direct you to the DAAD application portal. Applications are reviewed by independent selection committees based on academic merit and relevance to the chosen program.

Bonus Benefits:

  • No repayment required: DAAD scholarships are grants, not loans.
  • Monthly stipend: You’ll receive a monthly allowance (€934 for graduates, €1,200 for PhD students – current rates).
  • Travel allowance: DAAD covers a one-time travel cost to get you to Germany.
  • Insurance: In many cases, DAAD provides health, accident, and liability insurance.
  • Additional perks (program-specific):
    • Research allowance for PhD students
    • Family benefits for long-term programs
    • Funding for language courses
Is there any age limit for DAAD?

There’s no strict age limit for most DAAD scholarships – not yet. Some programs might have age limitations requested by their partner institutions.

However, time since your last degree generally matters more. Check specific program details for this requirement (refer to Application requirements on www.funding-guide.de).


Well, DAAD understands that unexpected events can delay your studies. DAAD is committed to supporting your academic journey, even if unforeseen challenges arise. You may be eligible for an application extension in cases of:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Childcare for children under 12 (up to 3 years per child)
  • Caring for sick or dependent relatives
  • Disability or chronic illness
  • Serious illness
  • Compulsory military service (if applicable)
  • Other unforeseen circumstances (with justification)

Documenting Your Situation:

  • Clearly state relevant dates and periods (childbirth, childcare, illness) in your application.
  • Provide supporting documents:
    • Disability card or medical certificate (for disabilities/illness)
    • Proof of other circumstances (if applicable)

Further Resources:

You may still be eligible for a DAAD scholarship even if you’ve recently arrived in Germany. But in that case, you must have been in Germany for a maximum of 15 months by the application deadline.

Check for the scholarship requirements to the specific Call for Scholarship Applications for any exceptions or variations on this rule.

Well, the requirements often vary in such circumstances. 

  • Not all programs have a minimum language requirement to apply for funding.
  • Specific requirements depend on your country of origin and the scholarship program.

If you need more info then check the Application Requirements and Application Documents sections of the program’s call for applications.

But fact is, for scholarships in Germany – you’ll need to prove your current proficiency in the language of instruction (German or English) when you apply.

DAAD Language Courses (For Scholarship Recipients):

  • DAAD might offer preparatory German language courses if you’re awarded a scholarship.
  • These courses aim to improve your German, but reaching university admission level from scratch might not be feasible.

University Admission Language Requirements:

  • To secure a spot at a German university, you’ll need proof of language skills (DSH/TestDaF for German, TOEFL/IELTS for English).
  • Level C1 is common, but it can vary by program. Check with your chosen university for specific requirements.

Free Language Placement Tests:

Yes, online application is mandatory. You can’t apply through paper forms. Registration in the DAAD portal is required.

To find the right registration form for you –

  1. Visit the DAAD scholarship database.
  2. Choose your desired scholarship program.
  3. Look for the Submit application tab (only visible during application periods).

Application deadlines are crucial. Check the Application Procedure tab for each program.

But if you have technical issues, then the DAAD portal hotline can assist you on weekdays from 9 am to midday (+49) 228/882-8888 or by email at portal@daad.de.

Required Application Documents:

  • Refer to the specific program’s Call for Applications for a complete list of required documents.
  • Upload all documents through the DAAD portal.
  • Artistic work samples might require a separate upload via a media database (instructions in the Call for Applications).
  • In some cases, specific documents (like university certificates) might have a later submission window (check program details).

Application Confirmation:

  • You’ll receive automatic confirmation upon successful application submission.
  • An email with a portal message confirming receipt will follow.

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DAAD Scholarship by German Universities

DAAD Scholarship by German Universities The DAAD scholarship, administered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), is a prestigious scholarship program unlocking the dreams of

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