IELTS Listening Tips For Begineers

The IELTS listening test throws four hurdles your way: a mix of accents, diverse topics, and only one shot at each recording. Don’t be daunted! By understanding the format, you can develop strategies to conquer each part. We’ll explore these sections – daily conversations, everyday monologues, educational discussions, and academic lectures – and equip you with tips to excel in the IELTS listening test.

The IELTS listening test has four parts. You’ll hear recordings in various accents, once each. Part 1 is a daily conversation, like people chatting. Part 2 is a monologue on everyday topics, such as a local park. Part 3 features a discussion in an educational setting, like a group project. Finally, Part 4 is a lecture on an academic subject.

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Let’s see how can you train your ear to hear like a bat
while IELTS Listening Test!

  • Before each listening part, scan the questions. This will help you track the recording and find the answers fast.
  • While you listen, peek at the questions for the next section.
  • Sometimes you’ll get choices to pick from. The answers might not be in the same order they’re spoken, and they could even be listed like a dictionary (A to Z).
  • Watch out for how many words your answer can have. If it says “only two words,” don’t use more or you might get zero points.
  • Listen for key words or words meaning similar things from the questions. This will help you spot the answers. For example, if you hear “She loves movies and hiking,” it might mean “She’s adventurous” on your answer sheet.
  • For questions where you write down spelled-out words, be familiar with the ABCs and how they sound. Remember, “F” sounds like “eff.”
  • Listen for clues about where you are in the recording, like “first,” “then,” or “last.” These can help you know which question you’re on.
  • While listening, you can scratch out non-viable options that seem wrong. This narrows down the right answer.
  • If a question stumps you, leave it and move on. Don’t get stuck and panic. You can come back if you have extra time.
  • On the paper test, you get 10 minutes to copy your answers from the booklet to the answer sheet after all the recordings. Wait until everything is finished to avoid missing instructions for the next part. There’s no extra time for copying on the computer test.
  • To get more practice, you can download official IELTS prep materials.

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