Listening Band 9 Score Tips That You've Never Heard Of!

Weird title, huh? Well, you’ve probably heard of IELTS listening tips from your peers like ‘do this, do that blah blah blah…’ – but it’s time to put an end to all serious talks. Because today we’re gonna tell you some deep secret tips to crack IELTS listening test with a band score of 9!

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Keep it shush - Here comes the secret recipe for IELTS Listening!

Before we start, let’s know what the challenges are to face while sitting for an IELTS listening test –

  • Fast Paced Conversation: The recordings are spoken at a natural speed, which can be difficult for someone not accustomed to listening to native English speakers.
  • Variety of Accents: You might encounter different accents in the recordings, which can add an extra layer of difficulty.
  • Limited Replay: You only get to hear the recording once, so focus is crucial.
  • Information Overload: Sometimes speakers might pack a lot of information into a short span, requiring close attention.

So in a nutshell, you’ve to conquer these challenges thrown to you at an IELTS listening test. This is the recipe –

  • Pre-Test Preparation: Before the test even starts, familiarize yourself with the format and question types by practicing with past IELTS listening materials. Look for practice tests with themes you’re comfortable with, like shopping, travel, or hobbies. Access the official website of the exam you’ll be taking (IELTS, TOEIC, TESOL, Cambridge English, etc.) to obtain the most current information. This will detail the exam’s duration, the structure and types of listening sections and questions, and how many times the listening passages are played. Knowing if there’s time to review your answers after listening can significantly impact your test-taking strategy. Look for sample listening tests with accompanying answer keys and transcripts. Tune into news broadcasts on the radio or online.
  • Active Listening: Go beyond passively listening. Engage with the speaker by predicting what they might say next and focus on keywords related to the questions you read beforehand. Take concise notes to jog your memory later. If you’re stuck between two options and can’t eliminate one definitively, choose the answer that seems more grammatically correct or logically consistent with the context. Eliminate obviously wrong answers based on your understanding of the topic or common sense. 
  • Don’t Panic Over Missed Words: It’s natural to miss a few words here and there. Concentrate on grasping the overall meaning and key details. Focus on understanding the main points and the speaker’s purpose. If you miss an answer but hear something later that contradicts an option, you can likely eliminate that choice. Use logic to narrow down your guesses. Even if unsure, make an educated guess. Leaving a blank answer scores zero, whereas a guess might get lucky.
  • Manage Your Time: Be mindful of the allotted time for each section. Don’t dwell on a single question if you’re unsure. Make an educated guess and move on to avoid missing out on answering others. 
  • Practice! Practice! Practice!: Regularly expose yourself to various English listening materials like podcasts, lectures, audiobooks, or even movies and TV shows in English. Watch English-language media. Start with subtitles, then gradually transition to watching without them as your comprehension improves. The more you train your ear, the better prepared you’ll be for the test. 

So now you know the secrets – let’s get busy!

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