Türkiye Scholarship funded by Turkey Government (Türkiye Burslari)

Dreaming of studying in Turkey for free? The Türkiye Scholarships program, funded by the Turkish government, could be your answer. This prestigious program grants international students full tuition coverage, accommodation, a year of Turkish language classes, a monthly stipend, health insurance, and even a round-trip flight! To be eligible, you’ll need to be an international student with strong academic scores (specific requirements vary by degree level) and be under a certain age (under 35 for PhDs). Applications are submitted online typically by February/March, where you’ll choose your program and showcase your passion through a motivational letter. With fierce competition (over 100,000 applications annually!), a strong application is key. Head to the official website to explore all the details and launch your Turkish study adventure!

Levels Offered:

  • Associate Degree
  • Undergraduate Degree (Bachelor’s)
  • Master’s Degree
  • PhD Degree
  • Research Scholarship (for post-doctoral researchers)

Financial Support:

  • Monthly Stipend:
    • Undergraduate: 1000 Turkish Lira (TL)
    • Master’s: 1400 TL
    • PhD: 1800 TL (amounts subject to change)
  • Accommodation: Dormitory placement or housing allowance (depending on availability)
  • Health Insurance: Covers medical expenses during your studies

Language Requirements:

  • No Turkish language proficiency required for application
  • However, all scholarship recipients must complete a one-year preparatory Turkish language course before starting their academic program

Application Process:

  1. Application Period: Applications typically open in November and close in February or March. Check the official website for specific dates each year.

  2. Online Application: Submit your application electronically through the Türkiye Scholarships application system.

  3. Required Documents: Prepare scanned copies of:

    • Academic transcripts and diplomas
    • Standardized test scores (if applicable)
    • Letters of recommendation
    • Research proposal (for PhD and Research Scholarship applicants)
    • Proof of English language proficiency (optional, but recommended)
  4. University and Program Selection: Choose up to three universities and five programs that align with your academic interests.

  5. Motivational Letter: Write a compelling personal statement explaining your academic goals, research interests, and why you’re a perfect fit for the program.

Selection Process:

  • Highly competitive, based on academic merit, extracurricular achievements, and potential for future success.
  • Applications undergo a multi-stage selection process, including document screening, online exams, and interviews (for some applicants).


  • Academic Background:
    • Minimum GPA requirements vary slightly by program level:
      • Undergraduate: 70% or equivalent
      • Master’s: 75% or equivalent (90% for specific fields like medicine, dentistry, and fine arts)
      • PhD: 90% or equivalent
    • Strong academic performance in relevant subjects is crucial.
  • Age Limits:
    • Undergraduate: Under 21 years old at application deadline.
    • Master’s: Under 30 years old at application deadline.
    • PhD: Under 35 years old at application deadline.
  • Citizenship: Open to international students from all countries (except citizens of Turkey).
  • Health: Good physical and mental health is required. Some programs may have specific health requirements.

Program Offerings:

  • Thousands of programs across various disciplines are available at universities throughout Turkey.
  • You can explore programs by field, university, and level of study on the Türkiye Scholarships website [Türkiye Scholarships website].
  • Consider factors like program reputation, faculty expertise, research opportunities, and location when choosing your preferences.

Selection Criteria:

  • Academic Achievement: Transcripts, standardized test scores (if applicable), and letters of recommendation are carefully evaluated.
  • Future Potential: Demonstrated leadership qualities, research experience, extracurricular activities, and a clear career vision are important.
  • Motivation and Commitment: Your motivational letter plays a key role in showcasing your passion for your field of study and your commitment to pursuing your education in Turkey.
  • Interview (for some applicants): Shortlisted candidates for specific programs or fields might be invited for an interview to assess their communication skills, knowledge, and suitability for the program.


    • Academic Background:
      • Minimum GPA requirements vary slightly by program level:
        • Undergraduate: 70% or equivalent
        • Master’s: 75% or equivalent (90% for specific fields like medicine, dentistry, and fine arts)
        • PhD: 90% or equivalent
      • Strong academic performance in relevant subjects is crucial.
    • Age Limits:
      • Undergraduate: Under 21 years old at application deadline.
      • Master’s: Under 30 years old at application deadline.
      • PhD: Under 35 years old at application deadline.
    • Citizenship: Open to international students from all countries (except citizens of Turkey).
    • Health: Good physical and mental health is required. Some programs may have specific health requirements.

    Program Offerings:

    • Thousands of programs across various disciplines are available at universities throughout Turkey.
    • You can explore programs by field, university, and level of study on the Türkiye Scholarships website, click here.
    • Consider factors like program reputation, faculty expertise, research opportunities, and location when choosing your preferences.

    Selection Criteria:

    • Future Potential: Demonstrated leadership qualities, research experience, extracurricular activities, and a clear career vision are important.
    • Motivation and Commitment: Your motivational letter plays a key role in showcasing your passion for your field of study and your commitment to pursuing your education in Turkey.
    • Interview (for some applicants): Shortlisted candidates for specific programs or fields might be invited for an interview to assess their communication skills, knowledge, and suitability for the program.
    • Academic Achievement: Transcripts, standardized test scores (if applicable), and letters of recommendation are carefully evaluated.

Eligibility Metrics:

  • Previous Degrees: If you’re applying for a Master’s or PhD program, ensure your previous degree is relevant to your chosen field of study.
  • Work Experience: While not mandatory, relevant work experience can strengthen your application, especially for Master’s and PhD programs.
  • Gap Years: If you have gaps in your education, be prepared to explain them in your application. These could be due to work experience, internships, or other valid reasons.
  • Physical and Mental Health: Specific health requirements may vary depending on your chosen program. You might be required to undergo a medical examination upon selection.

Program Offerings:

  • Double Degree Programs: Explore the possibility of pursuing double degree programs offered in collaboration with universities abroad. This can broaden your academic horizons and international exposure.
  • Research Opportunities: Look for programs with strong research focus if you’re interested in pursuing research during your studies. The Türkiye Scholarships website might not explicitly mention research opportunities, so consider contacting universities directly to inquire about their research programs and faculty expertise.

Selection Process:

  • Referee Selection: Choose referees who can speak to your academic achievements, potential, and suitability for the program. Ideally, one referee should be from your most recent academic institution.

Additional Considerations:

  • Cultural Adjustment: Living in a new country can be challenging. Be prepared to adapt to a different culture, language, and way of life. Utilize resources offered by the program and universities to ease your transition.
  • Post-Graduation Opportunities: Consider your post-graduation goals. The Türkiye Scholarships program might offer career counseling or job placement assistance. Research job prospects in your field within Turkey or internationally.

Beyond the Official Website:

  • Türkiye Scholarships Alumni Network: Connect with past Türkiye Scholars through online forums or social media groups. They can provide valuable insights and advice on the application process, student life in Turkey, and career opportunities.
  • News Articles and Scholar Spotlights: Read success stories of past Türkiye Scholars to gain inspiration and understand the diverse range of students who benefit from this program.
What are the available course fields on Türkiye-Burslari?

Here’s the list:

  • Accounting
  • Agriculture Economy
  • Agriculture
  • Archaeology
  • Architecture
  • Art History
  • Astronomy, Physics
  • Automotive Engineering and Technology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering
  • Botanic
  • Business and Management
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Common-Law
  • Computer Engineering
  • Constitution/Public Law
  • Dentistry
  • Design (Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Fashion, Textile)
  • Development Studies
  • Documentation and Record-Keeping
  • Economy, Econometrics
  • Educational Sciences, Comparative Education
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Sciences, Ecology
  • Finance and Banking
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Forestry
  • General and Comparative Literature
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Geodesy, Cartography, Remote Sensing
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Geomatic Engineering
  • History
  • Horticulture
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Informatics
  • International Law
  • International Relations, Field Studies
  • Islamic Theology
  • Journalism
  • Languages
  • Livestock Breeding
  • Maritime Engineering and Technology
  • Marketing and Sale Management
  • Materials Science
  • Mathematics / Statistics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Media Studies
  • Medicine
  • Microbiology, Biotechnology
  • Museum Studies, Preservation
  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Nursing, Midwifery, Physical Therapy
  • Optics
  • Pharmacology
  • Pharmacy
  • Philosophy and Ethics
  • Physics
  • Political Science, Public Administration
  • Preschool Education
  • Psychology and Behavioural Sciences
  • Public Relations, Publicity, Advertisement
  • Radio/Television/Cinema
  • Security Studies
  • Social Services
  • Sociology and Cultural Studies
  • Soil and Water Sciences
  • Special Education
  • Teacher Education
  • Tourism, Catering and Hotel Management
  • Transportation and Traffic Studies
  • Transportation
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Veterinary Physician
  • Zoology

The answer is ‘yes’ – any non-native applicants are put through a competency test to judge on their criteria.

Who Needs to Take the Test?

  • All undergraduate applicants, except those from Azerbaijan, Greece, and the TRNC.

Test Format:

  • 30 questions (60 minutes) for most applicants.
  • 50 questions for applicants from Azerbaijan, Greece, and the TRNC (covers additional subjects like Turkish and Science).
  • Possible variations (80-100 questions) in countries with high application volume (e.g., Afghanistan, Sudan).
  • Questions in English and Turkish (explanations provided) with some requiring no translation (likely math-focused).

Test Content:

  • Focuses on mathematics, geometry, and logic.
  • Designed to assess basic knowledge and problem-solving skills.


  • Scores compared to other applicants within your chosen field (social sciences) or based on the Turkish curriculum (health sciences, science, and engineering).
  • Assesses English comprehension for health, science, and engineering applicants due to reliance on English resources in these fields.

Who Gets Interviewed?

  • Shortlisted candidates selected from a global pool of applicants.

Interview Format:

  • Panel interview with academics and experts (15-30 minutes).
  • Structured format with key discussion points:
    • Welcome and introductions
    • Document verification (bring latest education certificates)
    • Discussion of application motivations
    • Evaluation of academic background and career aspirations
    • Closing remarks and opportunity for candidate questions


  • Prepare all necessary documents beforehand.
  • Be ready to discuss your academic journey and future goals.
  • Take this opportunity to ask questions about the program and life in Turkey.

Want to check Türkiye-Burslari Academic Calender? Click here

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